The Danger and Potential of the Trump Tariffs
The situation is not as simple as pundits on both sides are portraying it as being On Thursday, President Trump authorized tariffs on imported steel and aluminum, and people on both sides of the issue have voiced strong opinions. However, it is not as simple as proponents and detractors make it seem. In fact, it is quite complicated. National Security One justification for these tariffs is based on national security concerns (this also happens to be the administration’s legal justification for the authorization of these tariffs). A country needs to be able to produce the materials needed for war. The duties would protect these critical industries, and it is true we need certain industries to be ready to produce in case of war. However, it would be extremely rare for things to become dire enough to warrant tariffs. They certainly are not today. In a recent memorandum, Secretary of Defense James Mattis explained : “The U.S. military requirements for steel and aluminum...